Monday, 1 October 2012

Research for documentary

·         Conflict: How sweets are bad for your teeth

·         People who don’t really like sweets

·         Interview of a dentist about how many children/adults have rotten teeth due to sweets

·         How sweets have changed over time

·         How old sweets have come back

·         Price changes over the years

·         Interview of older generations about money changes

·         How many sweets you could buy with the smallest amount of money

·         Children’s love for sweets

·         Interview of a child about their love/hate for sweets –how many sweets they eat a week

·         All different types of sweets available

·         Peoples favourite sweets

·         Not as many traditional sweet shops around as there used to be

·         Interview of a shop owner

·         How easy/hard it is keeping a sweet shop up and running

·         Talking about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory

·         How has the film had an impact on people’s views on sweets

·         How the film went global – modernised 

·         How Wonka bars and sweets are available in shops all over the world.

·         People who are diabetic and their experience with sweets

·         Interview of someone who is diabetic

‘Willy Wonk and the Chocolate Factory’ -
Candy Man - Christina Aguilera

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