Monday, 15 October 2012

Running order

Running order: (24 minutes)

Montage of images of sweets shown while a voice over is played with people saying what their favourite sweets are [from vox pops]. (Willy wonka/mika music playing)
(20 seconds)
Opening titles
(20 seconds)

Voiceover starts to speak introducing the sweets topic to the audience. An extreme close up on a sweet shop door slowly zooming out into a long shot of the shop. (10 seconds)
Voiceover mentions about all the millions of different types of sweets around the world – close up’s and extreme close up’s of different candy bars
(10 seconds)

Interview of shop owner explaining what it is like running a modern all sweets sweet shop. –Mese-en-scene = red blue and pink sweets in background (Cut away clips from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory).
(2 minutes)
Vox pops of people talking about how they love sweets and how often they buy them.
(20 seconds)

Shots of children, teenagers and adults eating all different sweets (extreme close ups and close up’s on their mouths) as voice over speaks about everyone’s love for sweets and statistics for most eaten sweets.
(20 seconds)
Voiceover speaking about the downside to eating too many sweets. Cut always showing people with braces, fillings and bad teeth.
(20 seconds)

Interview of dentist speaking about rotten teeth with cut away of children eating sweets – extreme close up’s on mouth
(1 minute)

 ------------------------ The first 5 minutes ------------------------
Archive footage of inside the factory clip from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory
(20 seconds)

Voiceover talking about the film and how popular the sweets became after its launch (20 seconds)
Slow zoom out of image of loads of different Willy Wonka chocolate bars showing all the different varieties of bars.
(10 seconds)

Voice over speaking about the contrast between the old Willy Wonka film and the 2005 one, and how it shows how sweets have changed since the 70’s. (1 minutes)
Interview with parent talking about how often they buy sweets for their children and how they affect their teeth. Showing cut aways of children with bad teeth
(2 minutes)

Interview with an orthodontist about the troubles of children’s teeth being bad due to cavities.
(1 minute)

Establishing shot of town zooming into the local sweet shop with none diegetic sound of a shop bell ringing.
(10 seconds)

360 degree spin around the sweet shop showing all the different sweets (10 seconds)

Fastened up tour of the sweet shop ending back at the sweet counter – None-diegetic music of Mike – lollypop
(10 seconds)
Interview with sweet shop owner talking about how easy/hard it is keeping an olden day sweet shop open.
(2 minutes)

Vox pops of public speaking about how often they buy sweets, and if they ever go into specific sweet shops to get a certain sweets, do they think sweets have changed in price and size (30 seconds)
Panning shot of Tesco or Morison’s sweet isle with costumers shopping buying there sweets
(10 seconds)

Interview the doctor telling us about how sweets can affect you body and attitudes– Cut-aways to doctors room and sweets that are the worst (2 minutes 30 seconds)
Panning shot of the dentist’s room as the voice over talks about teeth
(10 seconds)
Interview with a young child about how they love/dislike sweets – How many sweets they eat a week.  Cut -aways to the sweets they like, or to them buying their favourite sweet (2 minutes)

Vox pops of public and do they think their teeth have been affected by the sweets they eat
(1 minute)
Interview with a diabetic person – ask they can eats sweets and if not what do they replace them with, or if they do what sweets do they get and are they hard to get if they are diabetic sweets
(1 minute 10 seconds)

Were we can get the different sweets from (America, Belgium etc.)  – Voice over telling us about all the different sweets, shots of sweets being put on shelves that are from different countries
(2 minutes)
Voice over how sweets are good but you should what you eat and how you should be careful with your teeth (2 minute)

Friday, 12 October 2012

Formal Proposal

Formal Proposal

Type of documentary:
Channel and scheduling: Channel 4
8:00pm - 8:30pm
Target audience:
- Primary research:
We needed to ring and email the people we wanted to interview, as we needed to confirm dates etc. We also explained who we where and what we wished to do during the interviews.
- Secondary research:
We used the internet to find out about the different place we could go and interview e.g. Dentists and sweets hops. We also used it to find out information and statistic about different types of sweets and children’s teeth.

Narrative structure:
Beginning – We will be focusing on the 1971 film ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ and we are going to explore how his sweets how gone worldwide. Also we will be talking about the contrast between the 1971 film and the 2005 film; ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
Middle – We will focus on shop owners and how they manage to run a shop, and how many sweets they get in. We will talk about how people eat too many sweets, and then we will show conflict with the dentists, and what sweets do to your teeth.
End – Diabetics and what sweets they have (If any). We will talk about how everyone loves chocolate and the different types of sweets. We will also focus on how have changed in price etc.

Outline of content:
Interviews, vox pops, Willy Wonka, dentists, children and sweets

Resource Requirements: - Camera
- Tripod
- Little dolly
- Crane
- Voice recorder

Monday, 1 October 2012

Research for documentary

·         Conflict: How sweets are bad for your teeth

·         People who don’t really like sweets

·         Interview of a dentist about how many children/adults have rotten teeth due to sweets

·         How sweets have changed over time

·         How old sweets have come back

·         Price changes over the years

·         Interview of older generations about money changes

·         How many sweets you could buy with the smallest amount of money

·         Children’s love for sweets

·         Interview of a child about their love/hate for sweets –how many sweets they eat a week

·         All different types of sweets available

·         Peoples favourite sweets

·         Not as many traditional sweet shops around as there used to be

·         Interview of a shop owner

·         How easy/hard it is keeping a sweet shop up and running

·         Talking about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory

·         How has the film had an impact on people’s views on sweets

·         How the film went global – modernised 

·         How Wonka bars and sweets are available in shops all over the world.

·         People who are diabetic and their experience with sweets

·         Interview of someone who is diabetic

‘Willy Wonk and the Chocolate Factory’ -
Candy Man - Christina Aguilera