Thursday, 13 September 2012

The codes and conventions of filming, and editing interviews

The coads and conventions of filming and editing interviews
by: Andie_Pickersgill

In the Teeth of JAWS - part 1:

When watching the documentary 'In the teeth of JAWS', many of the codes and conventions were noticable and were used continuously.
Graphics where used will mainly to identify those who were being interviewed. Graphics where also used in cut-aways to a shot of the sea, and an animated shark jumped out of the water this was possible to create tension and maybe shock.

Music and sound effects were used in the documentary, for example, the JAWS theme tune was played in the backgroud, as a way of building up what they were talking about.
The lighting in the documentary was also well thought about, as there was no one filmed with the light behind them, and in one interview it looks as though the interviewee is being filmed with a lamp shining on him too add light.

There was a good use of location and mise-en-scene, as they interviewed a man who was sitting in front of a small beach were you could see the sea behind him this was good because, it was a main feature in the documentary. Most of the interviews had a large pisture of a shark or had things behind them that were related to sharks to keep the theme of the documentary.

There was a mix of shots, some shots were in a mid-shot and others were in a medium close up. Also in the interviews they had there interviewees sitting on different angles. There were also many cut-aways used to illustrate what people where talking about for example the picture designs of jaws, or the ways in which a shark moved, and what was most scary about a shark.

And archieve footage was also used throughtout the documentary of the movie that was made, to illustrate what was being talked about and said.

The Simpsons 20th Annaversary special:


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